Duty to inform ....
Broker's duty to inform ....
Real estate agents offer services. They work and live from the trust of their clients. This premise already finds its origin in the fact that the real estate agent approaches potential buyers or is specifically commissioned by a prospective buyer to search for a suitable property.
Information obligations towards the buyer ....
In order to create a basis of trust, the broker is obliged to inform his clients at an early stage about everything that is important for the execution and handling of the order.
The broker is obliged to inform the reader about his company. The duty to inform obliges brokers to provide their name and the name of their company, the legal form of their company and the accompanying power of representation. This way, the customer knows who he is dealing with. Furthermore, the contact options must be clearly presented and communicated to the client.
Information obligations towards the seller ....
When the real estate agent takes on an assignment, he/she has duties of disclosure, information and clarification towards the seller as his/her client. There is a special relationship of care and loyalty between the estate agent and the seller, which obliges the estate agent to protect the interests of the seller as the client within the bounds of what he can reasonably be expected to do. Thus, the broker must disclose all information known to him about the property, also to a prospective buyer. He may not conceal anything. If he conceals information, he acts fraudulently. In this respect, the broker is the vicarious agent of his client.